Game Skin Range
Our full skins have been widely acclaimed in the Fly Tying magazines as being the finest available. They are produced from birds individually selected for feather quality. They are superior to similar products available in the UK and USA and give the fly dresser a unique opportunity to select exactly the right feather for the job in hand. They are of particular interest to dressers of North Country Spider patterns and also the more innovative fly dresser.
Items can be seasonable and only available at certain times of the year.

Selected Grade £35.00
Our skins are taken from real wild birds from some of England’s finest sporting estates. The cock birds tend to be of a greyer hue and more finely marked, the hens are browner and more heavily marked – please state your preference.
French PARTRIDGE £25.00
As well as the familiar barred flanks these skins provide a range of subtle olive /brown hackles – lots of potential here .

Grouse £45.00
Superb skins from birds from some of the finest Scottish grouse moors. They contain a vast range of barred ginger and brown hackles.
Snipe £40.00
Delicate, subtly marked feathers for soft hackled patterns.

Golden Plover £55.00 each
Superb skins with every hackle edged in yellow. Very scarce – long waiting list.
Waterhen £45.00 each
Each skin contains a vast array of blue dun and olive soft hackles as well as the much sought after wings for Waterhen Bloa. Waiting list

Coot £30.00
Delicate, subtly marked feathers for soft Similar to Waterhen but more of a smoke grey colour. These skins provide a good source of Spey Hackles for hook sizes up to 2/0.
Jay £20.00
As well as the beautiful wings, these skins contain a vast number of finely textured feathers in delicate shades of beige.

Magpie £20.00
As well as the wings and the tail, these skins contain lots of small dense black hackles ideal for Spider Patterns.
Jackdaw £20.00
As well as the wings and the tail, these skins A whole selection of black soft hackles as well as the grey scalp feathers.

Pheasant Cock £30.00
Pheasant Hen £30.00
Both the cock and hen birds provide a whole range of useful feathers. The skins from the cock birds come in several varieties.
Starling Standard £12.00
Starling Selected £15.00
Choose from standard or selected grades.